Who Are We?
We specifically TARGET -LIFESTYLE and how it affects our Metabolic Health (fitness) for Life!
How we came to these conclusions:
I personally have been in the athletic/fitness/wellness world since 1975, and with that perspective I have seen far too many fads come and go. I have seen the evolution of misleading statements, false programs, products, and missed opportunities.
I worked in promotions as a technical rep for Converse Athletic Shoes through the 1984 Summer Olympic Games in LA. Working with athletic consumer products back then- the shift was into Running Shoes and the beginning of “FITNESS” as a big business industry.
Do you remember Slimnastics and Jazzercise or the Jane Fonda Workout Tapes? How about Richard Simmons?
I left Converse after the Olympics and went to work for Reebok. I was the Southern California Reebok Rep, and then got promoted to Business Development Manager with key accounts like Nordstrom’s, Dillard’s, and Cal Stores. From this perspective I attended countless trade shows and conventions surrounding this new and BOOMING fitness category.
Coming from the world of athletics and Track and Field as a Miler at the University of Arizona, my roots were in the beginnings of modern exercise science. With moderate success, running the 1,500 at the U of A (3:46/4:02 mile), the University’s Physiology lab loved to do experiments on me, like underwater body fat tests, max Vo2 Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET), Sub Max Efficiency tests, even muscle biopsy extractions to check fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fiber ratios.
Science and Technology is great- if we use it; it can give us some basis of Truth and REFERENCE, what I call Reference Point Training (RPT). RPT is a structure to quantify and grade our Lifestyle and training against to specifically target metabolic outcomes like better:
Fat Oxidation
Aerobic Capacity
More efficient use of Oxygen- ability to Uptake and Utilize oxygen (Dr. Vigil)
Ability to Recover
Global ability to modify lifestyle and manage the flow of personal stress
Lower Inflammation, ROS and Oxidative Stress (OS) and it Chronic Cascade of trouble.
I could go on, but I will end here with the simple truth:
We all need to be in a constant state of learning. Learning more about what drives our health (listen to our Power 2 Lean Podcast).
Constant Learning about our Metabolism and how to Manage it to our benefit!
M360 Clinical Fitness is Your Metabolic Learning Center, we learn as we DO, not theory, but practice, it is the definition of Clinical.
Intelligent practice or Dicernment of options we have to bring about actions that
result in specific tangible and results like:
Lower CRP
Higher HDL
Lower Triglyceride
Less insulin resistance
Increased Power- Vitality and Function
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